Copyright Statement and Copyright Protection Complaint Guidelines

一.Copyright Notice

Copyright Statement and Copyright Protection Complaint Guidelines Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HProvide relevant content via links. All content ("Content") is provided by third-party content providers ("Third Parties"). Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HIt does not store, control, edit or modify the information content or its presentation on the linked third-party web pages. It does not own any rights and assumes no responsibility for the content provided by the links. It does not provide any express or implied guarantees and does not assume any responsibility. Users may cause any form of loss or harm to themselves and others due to the use of these content resources. Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HWe are committed to abide by and respect the protection of copyright holders under China's current laws, regulations and other normative documents, and have formulated a process to protect the rights of right holders in accordance with the regulations. As a rights holder, when you discover thatMassive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HWhen the content of a third-party webpage pointed to by a link infringes upon your legitimate rights and interests, you should first send us a "rights notice" according to the processing procedures, and we will take measures to disconnect the relevant link in accordance with Chinese laws, regulations and government normative documents.

二.Copyright Protection Complaint Guidelines

Rights Notice:
If you meet both of the following conditions:
1. The right holder enjoys one or more rights and interests;
2. Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HThe content of the linked third-party web pages infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the above-mentioned rights holders.

Please be sure to submit your rights notice to us in writing (should include corresponding supporting materials). We will disconnect the link to the allegedly infringing work within a reasonable time after receiving the notice from the rights holder and verifying that it is correct. In addition, we may legally notify the owners or administrators of the sites or content affected by this action so that they may file a legally required counter-notification. Important note: If your statements in the notification are untrue, you may be liable for related losses (including related costs and attorneys' fees). You must consider copyright defenses, limitations, or exceptions before sending a formal notice. If you are not sure whether the infringement is established, we recommend that you contact an attorney first.

In order to facilitate you to send us written notice accurately and quickly,Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HBased on the guidance and suggestions of the copyright authorities, we have produced it for younotification form (Please fill out this notification form with as much detail as possible as this will help us respond as quickly as possible). Please fill in the electronic rights notice according to the requirements and guidelines of the form, and stamp the generated paper document with your seal (company) or fingerprint (individual) and contact us as follows:
1. Please send the electronic version of the rights notice and the electronically scanned document (color) of the paper document stamped with a seal or fingerprint to our contact email address:[email protected]

Counter notification:

Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HIf the link to relevant content is disconnected based on the "rights notice" sent by the rights holder, the owner or administrator of the website or content that is disconnected may file a lawsuit in accordance with the law.Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HIssue a counter-notification that the dislinked content does not infringe copyright or other legal rights. We will restore the disconnected content link within a reasonable time after receiving the counter-notification and verifying that it is correct, and at the same time forward the counter-notification to the rights holder.

Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HWe assume no legal responsibility for restoring links to disconnected works. The rights holder shall not notify furtherMassive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HDisconnect from this work. Please be sure to submit a "counter-notification" to us in written communication.

Important Note: If your statement in the "Counter Notification" is false, you may be responsible for compensation for related losses (including related costs and attorney's fees). You must consider copyright defenses, limitations, or exceptions before sending a formal notice. If you are not sure whether the infringement is established, we recommend that you contact an attorney first. In order to facilitate you to send us written notice accurately and quickly,Massive HD Videos to Watch Online For Free - 8000HBased on the guidance and suggestions of the copyright authorities, we have produced it for younotification form (Please fill out this notification form with as much detail as possible as this will help us respond as quickly as possible). Please fill in the notice according to the requirements and guidelines of the form, stamp the generated paper document with your seal (company) or fingerprint (individual) and contact us as follows:
1. Please send the electronic version of the notice and the electronically scanned document (color) of the paper document stamped with your seal or fingerprint to our contact email address:[email protected]

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